Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Pinhole Photography

I recently purchased a brand new build-it-yourself Japanese pinhole photographic camera from the company P-Sharan

This is a nice piece of engineering you can buy in most fine art Museums. I purchase mine at the New York Metropolitan Art Museum.

Building it took me a couple of hours.

These are a few of the first pic I took using standard ISO100 and ISO400 film

Be patient for the 2-4 sec exposures. Night pics will require up to 10 minutes...

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Cancer vs. Programed Cell Death

It seems that we (all living organisms) live in a very precarious equilibrium between our cells dying in a preprogrammed way (exception when our cells die for other reasons, like disease or accidents) or the same cells going nuts and start reproducing in an uncontrolled manner (thus developing cancer).

This is one of the key takeaways from the chapter #10 of Life Ascending (Death: We die because our cells are preprogrammed to do so.

If we tweak the knobs of the preprogrammed cell death, we could generate some problems with rebel cells starting to develop cancer (remember Blade Runner?, when borgs could break free from the preprogrammed death, they started creating problems)

Food for thought. In the mean time, another article to take note of is found in, and it points that cancer is not a noun but an action. When we have cancer we are really cancering.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Darwin Got It Going On.

This is a very interesting story on Rap Music and Evolution Theory from the New York Times

Don´t miss the "Off That (Rationalist Anthem)" video in the following link

Monday, September 13, 2010

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Love Army en Wikipedia

Checa el articulo sobre Love Army que inicie en Wikipedia.. Es solo el inicio... Agrege muestras de las rolas para los que no conocen a Love Army....

Le falta mas informacion sobre temas relacionados con Avandaro, etc. Las contribuciones son bienvenidas

Saturday, July 08, 2006

La Peje-Matrix™

Muy Interesante concepto.... Despues del final cardiaco en el conteo de los votos de la elección del 2 de Julio, vamos a ver como se comporta Neo y las Tribus de la Peje-Matrix

Eduardo Arcos 10 de Abril, 2006 - 04:38
La Peje-Matrix™
Peje-Matrix™: campo de distorsión de la realidad causado por Andrés Manuel López Obrador generando una realidad alterna. Dicen que las personas que creen ciegamente en el peje están dentro de la Peje-Matrix™.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Prueba de Video Blog (Vlog)

Como generar un vlog usando como repositorio de los videos
1 - Genera un video en tu PC
2 - Subelo a
3 - Insertalo (embedded) en tu blog (editando directamente el HTML)

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Mis Fotos

May 6, 2006

Some of my pictures

Medicine Lake (Jasper Canada), taken in May 1997